Background of the study
Business education which is a sub-set of the general education programme falls within the spectrum of vocational education. Abdulkadir (2021) described business education as the transfer of pedagogical and business competencies necessary for teaching business attitudes, concepts, skills and knowledge.Business education is therefore that aspect of educational training which an individual receives with the primary motive of enabling him to acquire adequate attitudes, concepts, knowledge, understanding and skills in business activities for vocational usage in careers as an administrator, manager or teacher wherever he may find himself in the business world
According to Oladipo,(2019), the objectives of business education includes to develop a mature understanding of the general nature of business, provide the needed background for teaching in business subjects, provide training in specialized phases of business activity and to lay a cultural and ethical foundation for the development of the fore-going objectives. For the objectives of business education and other inherent benefits of education to be realized, there is need therefore, to ensure quality and sustainable standards in the education system. With respect to education, quality is seen by Oladipo, Adeosun and Oni (2019) as the ability or degree to which an educational system conforms to established standard and appropriateness. Therefore, quality in education means the relevance and appropriateness of the education programme to the needs of the community for which it is provided.
On the other hand, strategy is the technique or mechanism put in place to maintain the degree of quality of excellence of a product or service. As it applies to quality assurance in education, strategy is the mechanism by which an educational system ensures that the service it delivers or intends to deliver serves the purpose for which it is intended and remains relevant and appropriate to the needs of the society. It involves series of operational techniques and activities which include all actions taken when requirements for quality are met.
Quality assurance in the educational system implies the ability of the institution to meet the expectations of the user of manpower (employers of labour) in relation to quality of skills acquired by their output . Oladipo, (2019) posited that quality of educational programme could be measured in terms of quality of input, quality of process, quality of context and quality of output. Therefore, ensuring quality in business education requires the right quantity and quality in everything that goes into the teaching/learning process or system as input and process. Until this objective is achieved, education and business education in particular may not be accorded its respect in the society. Ehindero (2015) submitted that the non-inclusion of any of the nation’s universities in the world best 1500 universities is unsavory and worse still, Nigeria ranked number 22 after South Africa, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya in the ranking of African universities. Presently, Nigeria ranked 2633rd position in the world. Similarly, Okebukola (2015) decried the quality of graduates produced in Nigerian tertiary institutions especially in the last four years and thumbed down the quality of those that would graduate in three years time. Due to the declining quality in recent years, hence, the accolade attached to Nigerian universities seems to be fading away fast. This is informed by the flood of criticisms that beclouded the quality of graduates produced. Parents now seek alternative for their children education in South African and Ghanaian universities and even beyond. This ugly situation in Nigeria tends to negate the tenet of quality university education which is essentially an industry established to produce high quality workforce for national development
It is against this background that Nwanewezi (2020) identified the following strategies for quality assurance in Nigeria educational system to salvage the deplorable situation. They are: moderation of examination, in-service education of teachers, proper funding of education, supervision and inspection, mentoring and monitoring, regular evaluation of the system among others. However, this study assessed the effectiveness of some of these strategies considered to be more important in business education programme in Nigerian universities. Since business educators form part of the key players in ensuring quality business education programme, it is therefore important to assess strategies for quality assurance in business education programme in tertiary institutions.
Statement of the Problem
Inability to attain quality assurance in Business Education in Nigerian universities, which seems to result from ineffective and inefficient delivery system, has been the bane of the education programme in Nigeria and other developing countries. Institutions offering Business Education have found themselves lagging behind in the realization of its objectives due to inherent poor delivery system. Products of the programme are ill equipped and short of the necessary and needed ingredients for self-realization. As a result, the society has been denied the much desired benefit of the programme as the products cannot contribute adequately and meaningfully to the economic and social growth of the society. Igboke (2015). The problem of the study is therefore, what are the strategies for enhancing quality assurance in business education programme in tertiary institutions.
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